Sale Woodworking hand planer In East of Tehran

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RALI hand planes provide unprecedented comfort in woodworking. The adjustment of the chipbreaker is instantaneous, your blade is always parallel and you can adjust its cutting depth very quickly with a simple lever easily accessible. Our range of hand planes and blades allows you to work accurately and optimally. They are equipped with adapted soles which confer an optimal inertia. The different blades are suitable for working on all types of wood (soft, medium or hard wood). Our equipment is designed to be quick and easy to use, and provide a professional finish to your work. With just a few easy adjustments, your hand plane is ready to use.

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Each plane has a use and must be chosen according to the tasks you want to perform. Although its main role is to smooth they allow you a range of different actions specific to each. A hand plane to smooth a large surface will not necessarily be the same as a plane to make bevels, to make finishes or to break angles. So here are the different models of hand planes to help you better choose what suits you.

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