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So I basically kiss Tuck (and JB!) a thousand times a day.  Which means I&#;m rubbing whatever I&#;ve slathered and powdered on, all over their innocent little faces.  There are so many areas of my life I have no problem giving up to be healthier but honestly my last, and hardest to give up, is my make up drawer.  Because I&#;m always a little more than skeptical if it&#;s actually going to work as good as the chemical laden ones.  And yes, I realize how big of a hypocrite I am to say &#; buy this one thing because it&#;s free of ____ but forget about all of the @$#% you put on your face  So off I went to research, and make a few investments to clean up my make up.  You&#;ve likely heard of the Environmental Working Group but did you know they have an

Arbonne makeup! I used to use chanel and as a nurse found my face greasy so quickly into my hour shifts. Arbonne follows the EU standards and is all botanically based ingredients which means all products are free of phalates, parabens, artificial colors, fragrances, mineral oil and animal products/by-products that are found in almost all makeup. It is also very reasonably priced for having such high standards of pureness! Would love to share some products if you&#;re still on the look

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