Sale ceiling light for staircase and parking lot and balcony and room In Tehran

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ceiling light for staircase and parking lot and balcony and room-2

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Vancouver House is located at the main entrance to Vancouver right where Granville bridge triforks when it reaches downtown. The resulting triangular slices of land had remained undeveloped until now. When engaged by Westbank to design a residential high-rise for the highly complex site, BIG started by mapping the constraints: setbacks from the streets; a m setback from the bridge; and a neighboring park had to be protected from shadows. After all the constraints, a small triangular site nearly too small to build on was left.

The public servants won’t be some remote administrators taking decisions behind thick walls, but will be visible in their daily work from all over the market place via the light wells and courtyards. From outside the panoramic windows allow the citizens to see their city at work. In reverse the public servants will be able to look out and into the market place’s making sure that the city and its citizens are never out of sight nor mind.

The wooden Panda figure for ARCHITECTMADE is designed for BIG&#;s Panda House at Copenhagen Zoo. The new habitat for two giant pandas was created in the yin-yang symbol, based on the Chinese philosophy for balance and opposition within a simple shape. The Panda mimics this simplicity, with the rotation of the upper body and movability of the arms and legs. The Panda figure is available in large or small size.

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