Sulphate sulfur In qarchak Industrial City ( Sale, product )

Sulphate sulfur-1
Sulphate sulfur-2

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Sulfur is one of those elements that has a clear past. Its origin and use date back to centuries ago, the time when the Greeks used this substance to disinfect their homes and the properties from burning it. They took.Mankind has mentioned the existence in Sicily and Italy for centuries. Its common name in the past was brimstone and it means a burning stone. In the Bible, sulfur is given the same name.

It has also been used as an insecticide in the past.Production of cement, asphalt and urea with sulfur coating.• Medicinal use.• Bleaching using sulfur vapor.• It also plays a key role in the refining of crude oil and uranium.• Copper separation.• Synthesis of chemicals.• Food industry, especially animal feed.• Used in the paper and leather industry.• metal plating.• Sulfur concrete.• Finally, its use in the rubber industry.This material has many interesting and audible physical properties, some of which we will name It is a yellow• At room temperature and pressure atmosphere is solid.It has a melting point of . Kelvin and a boiling point of . Kelvin.• It has electrical insulation.•

Gunpowder production: This material is used to make bullets and gunpowder inside missiles and cannons and is of particular importance. Match production: which has incendiary properties, is used in the production of matches and incendiary substances.• In making colors as well as making fibers.Like carbon, it has been used in fireworks for a long time.Alchemists also used different combinations of this substance with mercury metal.

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