Services heating In Payetakht Industrial City


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با توجه به نیاز صنایع داخل به تجهیزات تخصصی گرمایش الکتریکی شامل انواع کابل های حرارتی و تجهیزات مرتبط و نظر به اعمال تحریم های ظالمانه بر ضد کشور،  گروه کابل حرارتی آبان مهمترین هدف خود را داخلی سازی تمامی اقلام مورد نیاز صنعت گرمایش الکتریکی با بالاترین کیفیت ممکن و عرضه آن به بازارهای روز قرار داده است.. در همین راستا این شرکت برنامه ریزی جهت طراحی و واردات ماشین آلات خطوط یکپارچه تولید، اخذ مجوز و است.اندارد های روز دنیا را با چشم انداز صادرات سرلوحه کار خود قرار داده است..

Sepehr Electric high pressure side draft evaporative coolers (also referred as side flow). The air cycle operation of this device is to pulling the air from outside the cooler. Once the air is cooled inside the cooler, it is sent sideward by the blower, creating an side draft of air. This air flows into ducts that spreads the cool air through the house. The perfect place to install this unit is on the roof but could certainly be installed and perfectly used also on trusses or balconies.

Same as our free-standing water heaters, our wall-mounted water heaters come also with a built-in tank to keep water continuously hot and ready to use. The advantage of this range is to occupy less space while offering low energy consumption with a high output to meet the user’s maximum level of expectation, including durability. Our wall-mounted gas water heater comes in liter capacity, while our wall-mounted electric water heaters are available in the sizes between to liters.

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