Services heating In Tehran


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All Sepehr Electric vented gas heaters are equipped to three different safety systems: ) environment oxygen control system (Oxypilot ODS), this fully stops the gas flow upon oxygen lowering in the room to less than normal limit. ) Thermocouple, the thermocouple automatically shuts off the gas flow if the flame of the heater is turned off accidentally. ) Pressure governor, the governor will permanently regulate the input gas pressure in order to control and stabilize the output pressure in a safe and certain range.

Cellulose water coolers share almost similar air cooling qualities like the Aspen pad coolers. What makes them different from each other is the kind of evaporation interface. In cellulose water cooling systems, compact cellulose pads are used instead of aspen pads. Cellulose pads are made of cellulose paper sheets which are very thin, with high capillary and absorption capability. These pads are regular and wavy in form, have some certain grooves, special groove angels and function with water up to temperature of º. It is recommended to maintain the pH level of the water between and .

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