Sale industrial drier In Islamshahr

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People have been drying food and clothing for thousands of years, using various mechanisms, including smoking, burying food in sand, freeze drying, sun drying, and wind drying. For thousands of years, people used drying as a way of preserving food for themselves and for trade. It wasn’t until the early s that people began mechanically drying food. One of the first sets of people to ever do so were the Frenchmen Chollet and Masson. They discovered that they could send wet, pressed vegetable pulp through a tunnel heated to ℉ in order to create dry cakes. While the cakes weren’t particular tasty, they were nutritious and much less perishable than other food. The precursor to modern rations, they were the ideal snack for soldiers and sailors.

A close relative of the industrial dryer is, of course, the small domestic dryer, like the clothes dryer. One of the earliest mechanical dryers was the ventilator, invented by a Frenchman named M. Pochon between and . His ventilator, which consisted of a perforated metal drum and a hand crank, presented people with a more efficient way to dry their clothes. To use it, they simply had to fill the drum with wet clothes and use the hand crank to turn it over an open fire. Pochon’s invention certainly had some flaws. For example, clothes dried this way usually smelled like smoke and could even become sooty. However, it laid the foundation for the modern tumble dryer.

Digital transformation is no longer an option. It is a requirement to improve profitability, control and the optimization of laundry management. With Sapphire Laundry Management & Connectivity by Girbau, and any mobile device, you can easily monitor the status of all connected machines in realtime. This allows you to easily see a machine’s operating details, including number of cycles, and receive desired alerts.

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