Sale industrial drier In North of Tehran

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In , American J. Ross Moore designed the first electric tumble dryer. A few years later, Brooks Stevens, an industrial designer, added the dryer window. He also made the dryer more affordable. This kicked off the golden age of the tumble dryer and commercial dryers. Throughout the s and the s, manufacturers came up with a variety of advanced features, such as timers, cool air drying, temperature control, and dryness sensors.

People have been drying food and clothing for thousands of years, using various mechanisms, including smoking, burying food in sand, freeze drying, sun drying, and wind drying. For thousands of years, people used drying as a way of preserving food for themselves and for trade. It wasn’t until the early s that people began mechanically drying food. One of the first sets of people to ever do so were the Frenchmen Chollet and Masson. They discovered that they could send wet, pressed vegetable pulp through a tunnel heated to ℉ in order to create dry cakes. While the cakes weren’t particular tasty, they were nutritious and much less perishable than other food. The precursor to modern rations, they were the ideal snack for soldiers and sailors.

Every industrial dryer type has its own unique set of components, but all in all, industrial dryers tend to feature the following: stainless steel rectangular boxes or cylindrical tanks, gauges, intake valves, output valves, openings, connections, and controls. Continuous dryers, or those dryers that continuously dry incoming materials, often also feature conveyor belts to bring in those materials.

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