Line print on the panel In Pakdasht ( Sale, implementation consultation )

Line print on the panel-1
Line print on the panel-2

Presentation of businesses
You can introduce your business services or products in this section.
For this purpose, be in touch with us.

وقتی پرینتر اعلام می‌کنه که در حالت آفلاین قرار گرفته، درواقع داره از قطع شدن ارتباطش با کامپیوتر خبر می‌ده؛ ارتباطی که باید از طریق USB یا اتصال شبکه (بی سیم یا با سیم) برقرار باشه. برای رفع اشکال اتصال Printer، یک بار اون رو خاموش و روشن کنید و بعد به این صورت پیش برید:

Unwanted electrical equipment is the UK’s fastest growing type of waste. Many electrical items can be repaired or recycled, saving natural resources and the environment. To remind you that old electrical equipment can be recycled it is marked with a crossed out wheelie bin symbol. Please do not throw any electrical equipment (including those marked with this symbol) in your bin.

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( Sale, implementation consultation ) `s other In Pakdasht