Line print on the panel In lalezar market ( Sale, implementation consultation )

Line print on the panel-1
Line print on the panel-2

Presentation of businesses
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وقتی پرینتر اعلام می‌کنه که در حالت آفلاین قرار گرفته، درواقع داره از قطع شدن ارتباطش با کامپیوتر خبر می‌ده؛ ارتباطی که باید از طریق USB یا اتصال شبکه (بی سیم یا با سیم) برقرار باشه. برای رفع اشکال اتصال Printer، یک بار اون رو خاموش و روشن کنید و بعد به این صورت پیش برید:

In the UK, suppliers of electronics, such as DSE must provide a system which allows all customers buying new electrical equipment the opportunity to recycle old items free of charge. As a responsible supplier, we have met the requirements placed on us by financially supporting the network of WEEE recycling centres established by local authorities. This is achieved by supporting through membership of the national Distributor Take Back Scheme (DTS). To find out more information on WEEE recycling and to locate your nearest recycling centre please visit the

( Sale, implementation consultation ) `s other In lalezar market