product simple cartons In Sahand Industrial City

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Hotpack Packaging, the Middle East based pioneers in the manufacture and distribution of packaging solutions was adjudged winners of the coveted Dubai Quality Award under the category of Dubai Smart Industry Award for manufacturing sector. The Award was announced by the Dubai Economic Dept, Govt. of Dubai during an online ceremony held on Tuesday, November , broadcast live on various media.

Whatever kind of food-related business you are in, you will come across the need to pack food. It is critical to get the perfect kind of food packing materials best suited to your products as there are a variety of materials to choose from. Hotpack’s broad product categories include plastic, wooden, aluminum, paper and biodegradable products. The choice of the right food packaging will depend on the food items in question, the quantity of same, your budget, your values, etc. Choosing the right kind of food packing material not only increases the life of food products and makes it easy to transport and store them, but it will also contribute to an improved customer experience. Moreover, our ability to customize them will add value to your brand. Over the last years, we are proud to be instrumental in adding brand value to thousands of customers globally. 

برای تولید جعبه و یا کارتن و هر نوع بسته بندی شش وجهی به مقادیر طول، عرض و ارتفاع نیاز داریم. بسیاری از مشتریانی که تا کنون بسته بندی خاصی نداشته اند و یا قصد تغییر نوع بسته بندی کالا یا محصول خود به شکل جعبه کارتنی و یا جعبه مقوایی را دارند می پرسند […]

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