implementation consultation smoothing In Shams abad Industrial City


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I absolutely love this thing. I like the little cap that it comes with for precision treatment areas such as the face. The cap Is actually magnetic so it stays on very well. My only gripe with this is that for this price, and this was priced at $ at the time of purchase, you should get a case with this product, but you do not get any protective case just a box that it ships in, that’s kind of disappointing to me but it’s not a dealbreaker because this product produces excellent results. I would highly highly highly recommend this IPL laser in particular just because of the speed and effectiveness of it. I have pretty sensitive skin and after use I did not have any irritation with it. I used it on my face, under arms, bikini area and legs. I could not believe how fast it was and how easy it was to use!

I absolutely love this thing. I like the little cap that it comes with for precision treatment areas such as the face. The cap Is actually magnetic so it stays on very well. My only gripe with this is that for this price, and this was priced at $ at the time of purchase, you should get a case with this product, but you do not get any protective case just a box that it ships in, that’s kind of disappointing to me but it’s not a dealbreaker because this product produces excellent results. I would highly highly highly recommend this IPL laser in particular just because of the speed and effectiveness of it. I have pretty sensitive skin and after use I did not have any irritation with it. I used it on my face, under arms, bikini area and legs. I could not believe how fast it was and how easy it was to use!

Our unique Smart Skin sensor automatically delivers safe optimal treatments tailored to your skin tone. When the Skin Tone Sensors are placed on the treatment area the blue light emitted by the Sensors is reflected back from your skin. The device then not only detects your skin is appropriate for treatment but also tailors the energy delivered to your unique skin tone, to maximise your results safely.

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